It is imperative to take a proactive approach to timber preservation. Regular checks for repairs, leaks and condensation build ups or holes in timber can save future stress and expense. Contact timber specialists too, they administer timber treatments to significantly reduce issues.
Three timber risks may present themselves, given the right conditions to flourish.
- Wet rot – Commonly known as cellar fungus, this form of wood rot requires a 50% moisture level to take hold, fruit and damage the integrity of timber. A plumbing issue, an unaddressed repair or flooding can offer airborne spores the perfect environment to embed in the timber. Spongy, mushroom scented timber are two clues.
- Dry rot – Another form of wood rot. This requires a 20% moisture level and often becomes a more serious threat to structural safety than wet rot. Poor ventilation, a slow leak and closed off rooms all increase the likelihood of elevated moisture for the spores to settle and fruit in timber. Weak timber with mushroom fungi which can protrude through paintwork should be acted on immediately.
- Woodworm – This is an umbrella term for wood boring beetles. Woodworm hatch from eggs and bore in to the nearest timber, remaining there as larvae and pupa for up to 5 years as they tunnel and consume wood’s natural cellulose content. They leave the timber as beetles and spend just 2 weeks or less in this, their adult form. It is the larvae and pupa which can take a solid and strong timber and create a weak, crumbling, hole and tunnel laden “lacework.” They could literally bring the house (or business premises) down.
When you suspect that you already have wood rot or woodworm, please contact timber specialists immediately for a comprehensive survey. The timber issues won’t disappear, they will cause problems over an ever-expanding area until managed effectively. Wood rot spores are always present in the air and woodworm can fall through an open window from a tree, so please dismiss thoughts of “it’ll never happen here.” It could.
To prevent or resolve an issue you might be tempted to visit the local DIY shop to purchase a treatment for woodworm or wood rot. Liberally spreading chemicals around a property can be counterproductive and dangerous to humans, pets and the timber.
Mortgage, insurance and maintenance agreements can be jeopardised by a DIY approach so always call in timber specialists from a respected company like Thames Valley Timber Treatment, who have been in operation for over a quarter of a century, to secure a comprehensive prevention solution at a competitive fee with 30 years guarantees on work.
Trust in the knowledge and capabilities that professionals bring to each case they work on, from call out to survey, recommended treatment advice to applications, why hope for the best when you can hire the elite?
If timber specialists weren’t required, why would they exist? Professionals hold licences for proven woodworm and wood rot treatments which are not in the public domain but have greater long-term effectiveness.
Peace of mind is invaluable, isn’t it?